Esbjerg 2021 Booking Form


[forms ID=1]



Datenschutzerklärung Diese Datenschutzerklärung klärt Sie über die Art, den Umfang und Zweck der Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten (nachfolgend kurz „Daten“) im Rahmen der Erbringung unserer Leistungen sowie innerhalb unseres Onlineangebotes und der mit ihm verbundenen Webseiten, Funktionen und Inhalte sowie externen Onlinepräsenzen, wie z.B. unser Social Media Profile auf (nachfolgend gemeinsam bezeichnet als „Onlineangebot“). Im […]



Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV Dennis StemmeAn der Tongrube 1831515 WunstorfE-Mail: Impressum Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG 1. Wassersport-Verein Wunstorf e.V.GeschäftsstelleAn der Tongrube 1831515 Wunstorf Vertreten durch den Vorstand:1. Vorsitzender:Dennis Stemme Kontakt Telefon: +49 163 826 17 97E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! Wir […]



H1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy H2 eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam H3 voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. H4 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. H5 […]

Timetable for Joomla sample 5


Example 5. Timetable with filtering by event, dropdown menu for filtering, columns are days of the week, one hour measure, first hours column shown with ending hour, type 3 event block layout, 24 hour time format and non-clickable events. Go to example 1 → [tt_timetable event=’cardio-fitness,open-gym,body-building,zumba,boxing,crossfit‘ columns=’sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday‘ show_end_hour=’1′ event_layout=’3′ box_bg_color=’3156A3′ box_hover_bg_color=’42B3E5′ box_hours_txt_color=’A6C3FF‘ filter_color=’3156A3′ disable_event_url=’1′ text_align=’left‘]

Timetable for Joomla sample 4


Example 4. Timetable with filtering by category, dropdown menu for filtering, columns are different locations, half hour measure, first hours column hidden, type 4 event block layout with no ending hour, 24 hour time format, different font for table, custom CSS for event hour and non-clickable events. Go to example 5 → [tt_timetable event_category=’action,animation,catering,comedy,concert,horror,thriller‘ columns=’bay-plaza-cinema,lakewood-cinema,north-park-theatre,old-capitol-arts,music-hall‘ […]

Timetable for Joomla sample 3


Example 3. Timetable with filtering by event, tabs for filtering, columns are selected days of the week, one hour measure, first hours column hidden, rows without events hidden, type 3 event block layout, 12 hour time with custom separator and clickable events. Go to example 4 → [tt_timetable event=’power-fitness,martial-arts,body-works‘ columns=’monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,saturday‘ filter_style=’tabs‘ time_format=’g.i a‘ hide_hours_column=’1′ event_layout=’3′ […]

Timetable for Joomla sample 2


Example 2. Timetable with filtering by category, dropdown menu for filtering, columns are different locations, quarter hour measure, first hours column shown with no ending hour, type 1 event block layout, 24 hour time format, custom CSS for event header and non-clickable events. Go to example 3 → [tt_timetable event_category=’bar,display,panel,performance,registration,screening‘ columns=’reception,floor-2,lounge-bar,floor-4,speakers-room,campus-green‘ measure=’0.25′ filter_kind=’event_category‘ time_format=’H:i‘ box_bg_color=’96235B‘ […]

Timetable Training


Example 1. Timetable with filtering by event, dropdown menu for filtering, columns are days of the week, one hour measure, first hours column shown with no ending hour, type 1 event block layout, 12 hour time format and clickable events. [tt_timetable event=’wsg-lg-c,wsg-lg-b‘ event_category=’lg-c,lg-b‘ columns=’montag,dienstag,mittwoch,donnerstag,freitag‘ measure=’0.25′ filter_kind=’event‘ time_format=’H:i‘ hide_hours_column=’1′ row_height=’30‘ event_layout=’3′ filter_style=’tabs‘ filter_color=’80C8FF‘]