1st Virtual WVW Swim Meet – English


With swimming meets canceled everywhere due to the Corona pandemic, the we want to boost your motivation to get back into the pool or open water with ease.

Our virtual meet is a fun way to compete, stay or get back in shape and challenge yourself and others! Anyone can participate as long as you have access to a pool or the open water!

We offer all kinds of different events from 50m to 5000m. 

What do you need? Find someone, who takes your time. Please be fair to yourself and everyone else and send us your finish time in the linked table. This event is about the swimming community, the motivation to stay tuned and of course the fight against Corona!

First places in the addition rating and long-distance events (by age group) will receive a winning shirt! If a participant reaches 1st place in both ratings, only one shirt will be awarded.

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Invitation Virtual Swim Meet.pdf



pdfT-Shirt_Size_Kids.pdf   pdfT-Shirt_Size_Girlie.pdf   pdfT-Shirt_Size_Men.pdf

 PS: Your welcome to submit Photos/short Youtube Videos. We intend to publish a blog/collage on our social media channels.

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